Use left and right buttons to move, press z to attack, and c to jump.

This game also has controller support

Beat Freakz (Formally called Free-Will Fighters) is a fighting game with the capabilities of an AI. The human player can combat against an A.I., or they can watch 2 A.I combat each other.  I have always enjoyed battling against the CPU in fighting games, and I made it my mission to recreate the A.I. All assets were drawn from scratch. Battle music was happily provided by my friend Zorecore Music who also available for play-testing.

 Type of Environment in a Fighting Game:

  • Multi-Agent
  • Deterministic
  • Sequential
  • Dynamic
  • Continuous
  • unknown

What is included so far:

  • 1 player and 1 cpu
  • An A.I. with the capability to perform most move sets
  • The A.I. can input combos

This game was made as a Project for my Artificial Intelligence class


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I got an A :)